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Notice of Special Procurement

Oak Lodge Water Services (“OLWS") intends to purchase one (1) Aerzen blower, model D62S directly from Aerzen USA Corporation as a special procurement, pursuant to the OLWS Contracting and Purchasing Rules Article 9, Section C, Subsection 4, In Kind Replacements, which states:  

“Goods being replaced in-kind, where the good being purchased serves the same function as the good it is replacing. These in-kind replacements would typically be components of an existing equipment, machine, or system.”

Protests of the use of this procurement method may be made to Plant Superintendent David Hawkins by email to, or by mail to 14496 SE River Road, Oak Grove 97267, and must be received before 5:00pm PST on June 30th, 2023. Written protests must identify the proposed procurement and include: (a) a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the protest; (b) evidence or documentation supporting the grounds on which the protest is based; (c) a description of the resulting harm to the affected person; and (d) the relief requested. A fee will be charged to process the written protest. The fee will be calculated by using the hourly rate including benefits of the employee assigned to process the protest, multiplied by the amount of time spent so doing. Protests received after the deadline will not be considered. This notice was published on June 22nd, 2023.

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