Ginny Van Loo

Appointed by the Board in October 2019, Ginny Van Loo previously served on the former sanitary district board for 6.5 years. Ginny has worked in the public sector for many years including as staff to the Clackamas County Commissioners, as a legislative assistant for the Oregon assembly, and 20 years as a Clackamas Community College Budget Committee member. Ginny has also led many non-profit organizations including the Association of NW Steelheaders, Oregon Wildlife Federation, Oregon Hunter’s, and the Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation. She brings passion and commitment to her work and is a proud member of the Oak Lodge Water Services District Board.
Ginny has lived in the Oak Grove-Jennings Lodge area since the late 1960’s except a short time away for family. She currently owns a home with her husband in Jennings Lodge. Her mission includes looking out for the District's ratepayers and is proud to call Jennings Lodge her home.
Ginny sees much work ahead for OLWSD and becoming an authority will protect the District’s assets the ratepayers have paid for.
Ginny welcomes contact from ratepayers who would like to share their view on how the District is making progress. She believes strongly in caring for District employees, in particular those working in the treatment facilities and those on the field teams, as she often states, “Without their work we would have no District”.